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Square Piercing Punches

Are you looking for superior quality Square Piercing Punches? Quick Delivery Available. Square Piercing Punches exporter and suppliers

  • Square Piercing Punches are sturdy for multi-purpose Die & mould industrial applications.
  • High Tensile Strength with Seamless finishing
  • Corrosion Resistant, Rust Proof and Highly Durable.
  • High Hardness with High Abrasion Resistance.
  • Dimensional accuracy and Seamless Finishing.

Buy best price, durable and superior performance Square Piercing Punches, Piercing Punches, Piercing Punches Tools, Industrial Piercing Punches, Piercing Punches, Double Step Punch, HSS Punches, HSS Block Punch from Vardhman Dies & Mould Tools – one of the largest manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of Square Piercing Punches in Mumbai, India. Vardhman Dies & Mould Tools is India’s leading Industrial Square Piercing Punches exporter in Mumbai known for producing quality-tested products.

At Vardhman Dies & Mould Tools, we supply Mould & Mould Base Accessories, Press tools Accessories, Die Springs, Mould Ejection System, Mould Alignment Products, Mould Latches, Mould Parting lock, Mould Date Indicators, Mould Cooling Products, Sprue Bush, Mould Base, Mould Counter, Mould Spray, Piercing Punches, Polyurethane Elastomers, Ball cage, and Dies and Mould Polishing and Finishing Tools that fit your production requirement and minimise overall cost.

Vardhman Dies & Mould Tools manufacturing and exporting high quality Square Piercing Punches worldwide.

Square Piercing Punch

Square Piercing Punches Supplier

Square Piercing Punches are used in machines for press shaping between metal sheets and die to make a shape. Piercing is a shearing process where a punch and die are used to create a hole in sheet metal or a plate. The process and machinery are usually the same as that used in blanking, except that the piece being punched out is scrap in the piercing process.

High-speed steel (HSS or HS) is a subset of tool steels, frequently used as cutting tool material. Adding tungsten, molybdenum, and chromium steel creates a number of alloys commonly called “HSS”, measuring 63-65 Rockwell hardness. High-speed steels are alloys that gain their properties from either tungsten or molybdenum, often with a combination of the two.

The Features /Advantages Vardhman Dies & Mould Tools’ Square Piercing Punches:

  • High Tensile Strength with Seamless finishing
  • Can withstand Extreme Temperatures.
  • Corrosion Resistant, Rust Proof and Highly Durable.
  • High Hardness with High Abrasion Resistance.
  • Anti-Corrosive and Rust Resistant.
  • Dimensional accuracy and Seamless Finishing.
  • Heat Resistant as well as Acid-Resistant.
  • Sturdy for Multi-Purpose Plastic Mould Industrial Applications.

Vardhman Dies & Mould Tools is one of the leading manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of Square Piercing Punches in India. These products are manufactured from high-quality materials that are long lasting and hard wearing, and produce excellent results. Materials are sourced from trusted and reliable vendors and are manufactured at our manufacturing unit using latest machineries in compliance with industry quality standards to meet the requirements of the Dies & Mould Tools Industries.

Square Piercing Punches with various options and different sizes are available with us. Contact Us at + (91) 932 406 1804. If you need Any Assistance in selecting products that fits your requirement, please fill an Enquiry Form for Detailed Product Information.

Note: Please note that the information on this document is for illustration purposes only as information may vary with individual products, their grade and applications, industries or uses and therefore cannot be guaranteed as accurate. © Copyright 2020 © Vardhman Dies & Mould Tools All Rights Reserved (Terms of Use). Recreation of any materials from the site is strictly prohibited without permission. Vardhman Dies & Mould Tools’ products are sold exclusively through Vardhman Dies & Mould Tools’ website. Use Terms | Privacy. Please contact us to discuss precise product specifications and requirements and obtain advice on which products are required to suit your exact application needs sales@vardhmandiesandmouldtools.com